Zefram (officially Stealth Black Oy) is a Finnish technology company that was founded in 2020, by Tuomas Rasila and Antti Lehtimäki, during the first months of corona mayhem. Large language models – like ChatGPT – were not yet introduced to the big audience.

The core of Zefram was clear from the beginning: sales is mostly about two things 1) finding prospects who have a need for your product and 2) building the arguments that state these mutual benefits in an unquestionable manner.

Since computers are unbeatable in data processing and there is no lack of data nor processing power, it is inevitable that computers will take part in both choosing the prospects and building arguments. This will enable companies to both sell and buy more efficiently the things that are actually needed.

Zefram is built to do just that. Our mission is to ensure that companies with real mutual interests always find each other and speak in a way that underline the unique value of this collaboration.

With the emergence of easy-to-use large language models, it has become clear that computers are well capable of creating high-quality communication in scale. But being able to talk doesn’t mean you know who to speak with nor what to say in a specific situation. Content without meaning is noise. Zefram eliminates noise.

Zefram is supported by extraordinary investors, including venture capital firms Inventure (FIN) and byFounders (DEN) and two angel investors, the other being Mikko Hyppönen who is a known technology speaker and the CRO at WithSecure.